Oct 26, 2023

Mabon also known as Autumn Equinox is a time of year when the sun shines the exact same amount as it is dark. From now until the Winter Solstice the days will slowly become shorter.

Though the history of the name Mabon varies, in recent Celtic folklore, Mabon is the son of Modron, the Great Goddess of the Earth. It is said that his kidnapping made the light go into hiding. With the light in hiding, it is time to befriend the darkness, collect your harvest, and prepare for a space of rest and reflection.

In Medieval Christianity, Mabon was an autumn equinox celebration that honored Archangel Michael. Archangel Michael represents protection and will help guide you through dark times. He reminds you to let go of control and trust in divine guidance.

The darkness or the unknown can be scary. Mabon reminds us to surrender to the unknown. One of my favorite Pema Chodron quotes states, “We spend all our energy and waste our lives trying to re-create these zones of safety, which are always falling apart. That's the essence of samsara - the cycle of suffering that comes from continuing to seek happiness in all the wrong places.” Happiness isn’t a destination, it is a feeling that happens in the present moment. Just like all emotions, they will come and go. Surrendering to uncertainty allows you to truly live in each moment.

The main theme of the Mabon celebration is to feast and celebrate your harvest. Cook a big meal and gives thanks. You have worked hard to get here, enjoy it. You don’t need to know where you are going, all you need to do right now is just be with everything you have already manifested. The farmer doesn’t worry about if his crops will grow next year, he just enjoys what he has right now. He knows what he is capable of and trusts his abilities to have a successful harvest again. Trust yourself and surrender to the unknown. You are capable of more than you think, look at how far you have already come.



Mabon Themes- Harvest, Aging, Death, Instability, Abundance, Trust.

Mabon Spells- Balance, Protection, Balance, Trust, and Abundance.

Alter Symbols- Fruits/Nuts, Pine Cones, Leaves, Branches, Earth Elements.

Herbs- Rue, Yarrow, Rosemary, Marigold, Walnut, Saffron, Sunflower, Rose, Oak, Saffron, and Chamomile. 

Incense- Cinnamon, Sage, Pine, Fern Merigold, Rose, Amber, Frankincense, and Myrhh.

Crystals- Carnelian, Amber, Aventurine, Citrine, Desert Jasper, and Sunstone.

Mabon Oil- Grapeseed Oil, Cedar oil, Rosemary oil, Patchouli oil, Dried Marigold, and 1 Apple seed.



1. Clarity of intention. What is your intention for this Autumn Equinox?

2.  Set up your altar. Make sure to incorporate all four elements (fire, air, water, and earth.) Adding any herbs, pictures, incense, symbols, and crystals you want to use.

3. Chose a candle that represents your intention for example I will be using a yellow candle calling forth healing energy and prosperity. Before lighting the candle do a short meditation with it embodying your mantra or intention. When you feel complete, light the candle and do not burn out.

4. Call in all four directions and welcome energies from the north, south, east, and west. 

5. Start to draw attention to your breath, following each inhale and exhale gently. When you are ready ask yourself how you can bring in more balance. What are you holding on to that may no longer serve you? Are you experiencing any polarities? What is each side saying? What does each side need? What has come to fruition? What has not? What do you want to celebrate? And what do you want to let go of? 

6. Journal your experience and write whatever came up for you during your meditation. Make a list of 5 things want to focus on. Find objects that remind you of these things and add them to your altar.

7. Pull out your Tarot Cards and do a reading with one of the questions above.

8. Journal you're reading and more especially how you are feeling in your body with each card. Compare your cards with your answers from the above meditation and keep journaling!


Happy Mabon!


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