Oct 26, 2023

Tools that have helped me use my voice: 

I have a HUGE fear of my voice!!! It first started when I was younger living in an abusive situation. I had no voice and if I tried to use it there would be repercussions. Then it continued on throughout the school. I did badly in school because I was living in survival mode, safety was my first priority.  I would pray that the teacher didn’t call on me to read out loud. I knew I would stutter on my words and people would make fun of me. I started skipping school because school became so triggering. Every day I felt not good enough. Then I started drinking alcohol. I would joke that it was liquid courage and would give me the strength to be myself. I could use my voice and not care what anyone thinks. 

It continued again in college. I went into broadcasting in hopes of pushing through my fear of speaking sober. I quickly learned that this trauma was deep-rooted in me and this wasn’t going to fix my problems. It continued with my journey as a yoga teacher. Before every yoga class, I would physically shake so bad my voice started shaking. I could barely get any words out. After every yoga class I taught I would go home and cry because I was triggered me into not feeling good enough. I have had fear and judgment of my voice for as long as I can remember. 

I have spent decades focused more on others’ perceptions of me than my own experience. It is safe for me to speak but the little girl inside still doesn’t believe that. It will take time to unlearn this fear and I am willing to show up every step of the way. These are some ways I am working on my voice. 

✨ Sing! Even if you think it sounds bad, even if it feels blocked, sing!! Let the vibration move through your body. Let the muscles expand and release. Move those fears and emotions. I like to use chants and music. Specific chants not only call on spirits but give off a frequency to unlock stuck emotions.

✨Speak your truth without fear of others’ reactions!! Your voice is valid!! And we need to hear it. Let go of other peoples reactions, it doesn’t define your worth.  

✨Scream!!! This is my favorite. I partake in daily pillow screams. I recommend getting a pillow and sitting in meditation for a couple of mins. Start to channel your emotions. For me, it is usually anger. I will think of things I am angry about, let the energy build-up, and then give a gut-wrenching scream into my pillow. I do this for around 3 mins.

✨Throat Massage. I like to start at the base of my throat and gently massage my mouth. You might even notice some coughing or uncomfortable sensations. These tender spots are emotions so spend some time there to move them out.

✨Psychic Channeling. For me, this looked like reading tarot to others! What better way to trust my voice than to channel it? I read tarot so fast because if I slow down my brain comes in and questions what I am saying. Let the words come through!! 

✨Drink herbal tea. This is a beautiful practice first thing in the morning or right before bed. I like to use skullcap, chamomile, red clover, lemon, slippery elm, rosehips, and spearmint. 

I used moon blood last night on my face and throat as a sacred tool for shedding. I anointed the areas where I need healing. 

What are some ways you like to work on your voice? 


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